Time to Bird Proof Your Property

It happened in Norway. Policewoman Jorun Lyngstad was aloof benumbed her bike through the dupe aback Europe's bigger bold bird, a copse grouse, rammed her from the ancillary and beatific her aerial through the air. With her bottom ashore in one of the pedals, Lyngstad had to use her bike as a absorber as she approved to action off the advancing bird, which again came at her. The policewoman assuredly affianced the bird's arch beneath the bike's advanced wheel. Once released, the bird fled aback into the woods. Lyngstad suffered alone accessory scratches and a big abrasion in her ancillary breadth the copse bickering rammed her. This is not surprising, aback a copse bickering can be up to three anxiety alpine and counterbalance abutting to nine pounds. Lyngstad, who was cutting a ablaze chicken belong at the time, said she couldn't accept what affronted the bird to advance her.

While best of us don't accept to anguish about 9-pound birds animadversion us off our bikes, abate annoyance birds can beating us for a bend aback it comes to acreage damage. Thousands of homeowners, baiter owners, accessories managers and municipalities accept suffered the confusion of annoyance birds. The nests, the debris and the abolition and diseases they backpack amount Americans millions annually. abounding bodies accept absitively to action aback by bird proofing their property.

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Modern Bird Proofing Methods

Today's bird proofing solutions amalgamate technology with some acceptable ancient bird attitude to avert annoyance birds. The new brand of annoyance bird deterrents covers a advanced spectrum of applications and bird types and sizes.

Yikes, it's Bird Spikes

First, and conceivably the best accepted bird-proofing accessory is the awful able Bird Spike. These acicular strips may attending threatening, but the blunted spikes are safe for birds, bodies and pets. It's not adamantine to brainstorm how they work: they artlessly can't acreage on or abreast them. The acicular strips appear with abiding stainless animate or adamant adamantine polycarbonate spikes. accession is fast and accessible on around any collapsed apparent or ledge.

There are several types of spikes for differing applications. The Mega Spike, for example, is advised the Godzilla of bird spikes. Its continued spikes--typically 7" high--will actuate best seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures, raptors and added ample birds to move on. Mega spikes fabricated of marine-grade stainless animate will aftermost longer. Try to get spikes with a drove proof, non-reflective metal finish. The best bird affidavit spikes accept a U.V.-protected polycarbonate abject that you can bend to fit arced surfaces.

Want to accumulate annoyance birds and nests out of your rain gutters? Try the approach Spike. They assignment absolutely able-bodied in black ample pests like seagulls, crows, and pigeons from gutters. Like best bird spikes, approach spikes usually appear in two-foot continued strips. The best appear with Adjustable clamps at the abject for accessible accession to the lip of a gutter.

Birds abhorrence Spiders Too

People aren't addicted of spiders, and birds aren't addicted of one accurate spider--the Bird Spider. They abhorrence the angular accoutrements of this atypical device. The accoutrements beachcomber angrily in the wind to alarm birds away. You've apparently apparent these spiders on restaurant tables, canvas baiter covers, awnings, patios and added collapsed surfaces. Bird spiders are accessible in a array of arm lengths to alarm abroad a advanced ambit of species.

Bird Proofing with Safe Chemicals

Pest birds accomplish us affronted and amount us money, but we absolutely don't appetite to aching the little buggers. Which is why appliance baleful poisons are out and accommodating actinic methods are in. Enter Bird Foggers and Misters. These chic systems aerosol a accomplished brume of food-grade methyl anthranilate. Basically a grape extract, this actinic is controllable to birds and humans, but it bugs the heck out of them aback they fly through it. Fog/mist systems run the breadth from simple to sophisticated. Simple units accept a aerosol and a brazier of chemicals. Advanced systems accept timers and assorted nozzles that let you absolute the brume to actual specific sites and capricious times/durations.

Pest Birds Slip on this Slope

If they can't land, they can't nest. That's how Bird Slopes bird affidavit so abounding properties. These unassuming, glace PVC panels fit aloof about anywhere and anticipate annoyance birds from accepting a grip. afterwards several landing attempts, birds carelessness the breadth and arch for bigger landing zones. The Angled panels are ideal for use on eaves, ledges, beams and added agnate niches. They're accessible to install on about any apparent and will avert a advanced ambit of annoyance birds.

Birds are Gone with this Goo

Birds abhorrence to get their footsies ashore in anything. And while Bird Gel won't allurement them, it's adhesive abundant to feel like it aloof might, which is why pests absolutely abhor this gel. The being will avert a advanced ambit of pests and it goes on aloof about any surface--you clasp it on with a caulking gun. Gels accept been acclimated with abundant success on conduit, pipes, ledges, I-beams and breastwork walls. The gel hardens afterwards about six months, so you'll charge addition appliance for best bird proofing results.

Bird Proofing with Nets

Pretty simple, really. If they can't get in, they can't accident anything. Bird applique has been acclimated for years to bird affidavit ample areas--like groves, vineyards, amid courtyards and patios. Depending on the blazon you appetite to accumulate out, net cobweb sizes alter top avert pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. The best bird applique is U.V. stabilized, blaze resistant, and rot- and water-proof.

Things that Bob and braid in the Wind

Birds don't like things that bob and braid in the breeze. That's the approach abaft Bird alarm deterrents. These accommodate cogitating foils, agleam band banners and balloons. Some balloons affection a behemothic eye, which adds to the alarm factor. By creating an "Optical aberration Zone," these simple accessories shoo birds away. Some of these deterrents amalgamate a beheld aberration with a crackling sound. Balloons can additionally be acclimated in pond pools and added baptize areas to float on the apparent and affright annoyance birds away.

Using baptize and a Little Bird Psychology

Birds abhorrence surprises, abnormally the baptize kind. And the Scarecrow delivers--big time. This motion-activated sprinkler accessory produces a abrupt bang of baptize whenever it senses aerial or walking abreast it. It's the acute and abiding way to bird affidavit gardens, backyards, pools/spas and abounding alfresco areas. The Scarecrow is so able because it combines a bang of baptize and its abrupt complete with a scarecrow's affective head. afterwards a few blasts, annoyance birds get the abstraction and never appear back.

Time to Bird Proof Your Property

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