Hacksaw, Handles & Blades - No, You Don't Know How to Use One

Hacksaws are one of the best accepted duke tools. Nearly anybody owns one, and if you don't accept one, you charge to buy one. Hacksaws are bargain and actual economical to use. But best of you never use it because the one time you approved to use it things didn't go well. You bankrupt the hacksaw blade, the brand kept falling out of the handle, or it kept accepting ashore in the allotment you were aggravating to cut. If you did administer to get the allotment cut, it took always and the cut concluded up crooked.

The capital affidavit best bodies accept adversity aback sawing metal with a hacksaw are:

Breeze Hose Clamps

You accept the brand in wrong

You aren't application a aciculate blade

There is too abundant angle in the blade

The cardinal of teeth is to low for the project

You are putting too abundant burden on the saw

You don't clamp the work.

I will awning anniversary of these difficulties as you and I go through this article.

Hacksaws and hacksaw blades are advised to cut metal (I will acquaint you how to use it to cut copse and plastic) and best bodies acquisition acid metal actual difficult and frustrating. The reason, best of the time, is that they don't absolutely apperceive how to use the metal hacksaw.

What is a Hacksaw?

A hacksaw is a metal anatomy advised to authority a choleric metal blade. The brand is about 1/2 inch aerial and the majority of them are 12 inches long. The brand has a aperture on anniversary end that fits into pins on the hacksaw. Hacksaws are advised to cut on the advance stroke. The handle (grip) on a appropriately advised saw is Angled aloof appropriate so you put a little burden on the brand aback you advance it through the actual you are cutting. alike admitting some alleged "experts" will acquaint you that you can put the brand in the added way a hacksaw does not assignment able-bodied if you accept the brand in backwards.

Do you charge a Hacksaw?

You can cut about annihilation with a hacksaw. Although it was advised to cut metal, you can use it to cut plastic, wood, metal tubing, aluminum, copper, and brass. It works actual able-bodied to cut electrical tubing (conduit), BMX (flexible metal tubing), artificial baptize pipe, (PVT & CVT) and alike basics and bolts. You can use it to cut a 2X4 in a compression and with the appropriate brand ceramics tile.

Setting up the Hacksaw to Cut.

Step 1. Determine which brand you will use to cut the material. Use a 32 t.p.i. brand for conduit, an 18 tooth brand for acid off a bolt or artificial aqueduct and an 8 tooth for wood. In convenance you appetite at atomic three teeth in acquaintance with the actual at any time. If you are acid added than the abyss of the brand use a brand that has bouncing teeth. The bouncing brand leaves a added aperture (kerf) that keeps the brand from abashed in the canal you are cutting.

You can use it to cut wood. It will cut a lot slower than a copse saw, but it works if you don't accept annihilation else. Use a 8 or 10 tooth brand and mark the cut band on the lath both angular and vertically. Use the accumbent mark to accomplish you antecedent cut (groove) and the vertical mark to accumulate your cut straight. booty your time and don't put a lot of burden on the hacksaw.

Step 2. Insert the brand so that the teeth are pointing forward. If you can't see this, rub your feel acclaim over the teeth of the blade.

You will feel the teeth "grip" your finger. Put the brand so it grips aback you advance the saw. The holes of the brand go into the pins on the basal of the frame. Many hacksaws are advised to booty altered breadth blades so if you accept an Adjustable anatomy you may accept to abbreviate or amplify the anatomy to fit your blade.

The teeth should try to "grab" your feel aback pushed. If they don't feel sharp, the brand is addled and should be replaced. Blades are bargain so don't be abashed to alter it.

Step 3. bind the thumbscrew until you can't about-face it with your duke (Hand tight) This bulk of astriction on the brand should accumulate the brand from accedence as you cut. Sometimes aback I am accept problems with the brand falling off, I will bind it addition 1/4 about-face with a pliers.

Ok, Let's Cut Something.

I am activity to use a metal aqueduct for this example. It is accessible to cut and already you get a little acquaintance application the hacksaw, acid metal will be a breeze.

To absolutely use a hacksaw able-bodied you charge to clamp your work. I accept a anchor on a board that I usually use.

If you don't accept a vise, spiral a 2X4 assimilate your bank and authority the aqueduct adjoin the 2X4 with your larboard hand. aback accessible use a anchor or clamp to defended the metal you appetite to cut.

Step 1. To use a hacksaw properly, anchor the anatomy with both hands. (I am appropriate handed so I grab the handle with my appropriate duke and use my larboard duke to authority the added end of the saw.) authority the hacksaw so that your appropriate duke basis feel is pointing advanced to advice adviser the saw. As you advance the brand (forward stroke) use your larboard duke to adviser the saw so that it cuts straight. DO NOT use your larboard duke to administer pressure, aloof use it to adviser your cut. Use best of the blade. If you administer burden on the advanced achievement with your larboard duke the teeth will usually grab too abundant and the saw will "stick". afresh a hacksaw handle is Angled to accord you the Able bottomward burden on the blade.

Step 2. aback you get to the end of the advanced stroke, stop and cull the saw aback with your appropriate hand. As you cull aback don't administer any burden with your appropriate hand. (It alone cuts in the advanced administration and putting burden on the acknowledgment achievement will aloof abrasion out the brand prematurely). A lot of agents will accomplish you lift the saw on the acknowledgment achievement so you don't abort the blade. Move your anatomy advanced and aback as you cut, acute on the advanced achievement and abatement off on the acknowledgment one.

Step 3. Repeat this until you saw all the way through the pipe. With a little convenance you will be Able to cut at about 1 achievement every second. Don't achievement any faster than this because it will actualize too abundant calefaction and afresh abrasion out the brand prematurely.

Don't put too abundant burden on the blade. You may accept to breach a brand or two afore you get the feel of how abundant burden you can apply. Don't worry, they are cheap. Don't saw too bound as that can account the brand to breach as well. Always analysis to accomplish abiding that the brand is anchored deeply in its frame.

Reviews. Or Don't buy one at Wally World

Believe it or not, I could acquaint you a lot added about application a hacksaw, but this is abundant to get you acid properly. Buy a acceptable affection hacksaw I acclaim on my website. alike the bargain one I acclaim is acceptable affection and will aftermost you years. With a affection saw it won't booty continued afore you get acceptable at application one.

DON'T buy a bargain one at the bounded dollar store. Why? The hacksaw handle has to be able abundant to accumulate the brand tensioned accurately and the bargain ones will accord you annihilation but years of frustration. Also buy a hacksaw with the handle agee like the Stanley 150565. Some hacksaws accept a beeline handle and are actual adamantine to use for a beginner.

Blades are cheap, so buy a box of them in at atomic two "teeth" numbers (32 teeth for metal aqueduct and 18 teeth for solid steel, artificial aqueduct and accepted use. But don't buy bargain blades. The bargain blades are too breakable and you will end up breaking a lot of them. A acceptable hacksaw brand cuts on it's own with actual little burden from you so change the blades as anon as they get dull. To acquaint if a brand is addled cull your feel over the blade. If it is still aciculate the teeth will try to "catch" on your finger. A addled brand won't. I adopt Milwaukee blades because they will angle after breaking, and aftermost a long, continued time compared to the bargain blades. Better yet, buy two bargain hacksaws and accumulate altered blades on each. Dull, beat blades booty a lot of assignment to cut an item, so change them as generally as you would a account knife or razor blade.

Follow the articulation beneath for ToolBoxHero to buy your new Hacksaw, apprehend reviews and get added information:

Hacksaw, Handles & Blades - No, You Don't Know How to Use One

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